10.Sınıf İngilizce Dersi 2. Dönem 1. Sınav Sorusu_17561 (21 Ocak 2022)

10.Sınıf.Sınıf 2.Dönem İngilizce Dersi 1.Sınav Sorusu (2022-01-21) sourusu 17561

  Soru Detayları

Are you ready to write the ingredients? Here they are: two eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup of flour, six tablespoons of cocoa powder, two teaspoons of baking powder, two cups of salt, two teaspoons of vanilla, two thirds cup of milk, two thirds cup of butter and some chocolate chips. You know the steps. First, beat the eggs with sugar. Next, add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla and milk. Then, add the melted butter and chocolate chips. Mix all the ingredients. Finally, bake at 180 °C for 30 minutes, but don't forget to preheat the oven. Bon appetite.
Which item is not in the ingredients list?

A) Some chocolate chips     B) Sugar
C) Milk                                 D) Butter
E) Salt




  • Sınıf: 10.Sınıf    
  • Dönem: 2.Dönem
  • Sınav: 1.Sınav
  • Ekleyen: mustafa   (21 Ocak 2022 )
  • Ders: İngilizce
  • Soru Türü: Test
  • Bu soru Zor zorlukta
  • Bu soru 21 kere çözüldü.

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